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The Chicken Noodle Soup has a total cost of $17.80. The total bill comes to $32.72. The Chicken Noodle Soup costs 54% the total bill. During a recent Webinar poll, 33% of respondents taking this quiz chose the Steak and 67% chose the Soup.
It is important to understand that the cost of statements (SQL and XML) in the database workload is defined by frequency of execution multiplied by individual execution costs.
DBI's Brother-Panther® for DB2 LUW uses a US Patented method (#6,772,411) to recognize statement patterns and properly aggregate statement execution costs for each unique pattern. Extra white space is removed, any literal values are replaced with tokens, and then each unique statement pattern is assigned a "Bar Code" (called a Statement ID). Statement costs are aggregated across the "Bar Codes", total costs are tabulated, and the total, relative percentage, and average costs for each statement are shown for any selected time period.
Our competitor's tools think that the Steak is the most expensive item in the shopping cart. We trust you appreciate the value of having the correct answer when you are trying to optimize the performance of your database and lower processing costs. When you lower processing costs, your organization will save energy too.