Posted on 3/29/2019
 @IBM_Paul_Bird | Special Guest: Paul Bird STSM IBM Toronto LabDb2 LUW Native Encryption: What to Expect when you're Expecting to Encrypt!100% of our audience learned something!Paul gave us an excellent presentation about Db2 LUW Native Encryption that covered Performance, Operational, and Availability considerations. Mind your keys! Watch and learn... |
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryYou have to admire Paul Bird's candor. He doesn't sugar coat things (much) and he shoots you straight (that's a Texas expression if you don't reside in Texas- basically it means he's forthright and honest without a lot of fluff). Yes, there is overhead with encryption. Yes, if you lose your keys you're screwed. While there are several operational considerations with Db2 Native Encryption, listen carefully to Paul and he'll help you mitigate risks, reduce the overhead, and set you on a path for encryption success.
A message from our sponsor: DBI SoftwareDBI is now offering "On-Demand " Demos of its DBI pureFeat Performance Management Suite for IBM Db2 LUW. We invite you to WATCH A DEMO and receive a $15 Amazon Gift Card as our thanks for your interest. | Working with DBI is like making money magically appear! Typical customers enjoy 40-60% CPU utilization reductions in the first week, plus measurably faster transaction and query response times. More importantly, your time savings will be substantial! Read our newest SUCCESS STORY with HealthPlan Services, do your due diligence, and speak with as many references as you have time to call. We saved a health care company $250,000 in one afternoon, solved a performance problem in two hours that two senior DBAs were unable to solve in six months, and we have helped top brand name retailers achieve top ranked e-Commerce performance on Black Friday multiple years in a row. 8 of the Top 25 Retailers, plus others, plus top Banks, State Governments, Manufacturers, Insurers, and more rely on DBI. How can we help you? Contact DBI |
Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! The State of the Db2 Universe StudyShow host Scott Hayes has teamed up with IBM and IDUG to conduct a survey about the use of Db2 around the world. IBM labs contributed several questions. We want to know if the use of Db2 is growing or shrinking, what features are the most popular, how is Db2 being used, and what skills are highest in demand. Participants can receive a copy of the study findings which may be very helpful to your Db2 career. Also, sponsors are giving away one free badge to the IDUG Conference June 2-6 in Charlotte NC, plus several Amazon gift cards will be given away to lucky random winners. Please TAKE THE SURVEY now. According to Survey Monkey, the average participant is finished in 6 to 9 minutes. HURRY! The study survey closes 1 April 2019. Get the Download ReplaysWMV Format - approximately 66MBTo download a recorded replay of Episode #213 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #213, 29 March 2019, Db2 LUW LUW Native Encryption with guest Paul Bird MP4 Format - standard resolution - 112MBHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! NEW! Watch on YouTube!PDF HandoutWe can't always do this, but you can GET A PDF of Paul's terrific presentation. Sharing is Caring!Share a great show with your friends and followers!