Posted on 5/16/2016
  | What's New in DB2 LUW V11.1: DEEP DIVE on OLTP and pureScaleGuests: Steve Rees, STSM Keri Romanufa, STSM Xun Xue, STSM IBM Canada Lab |
100% of our audience learned something! As a follow up to our 15 April 2016 show Episode #177 that provided a broad overview of "What's New " in DB2 LUW V11.1, our special guests @db2steve, @xun_ca, and @RomanufaKeri gave us a deep dive that focused on new features and capabilities related to OLTP and pureScale, plus DSMTOP, and more! The enhancements will fascinate and amaze you. Watch and learn!
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryWow! We had 3, THREE, IBM STSMs (Senior Technical Staff Members) from the IBM Canada Lab as guests! I hope they are prohibited from flying the same planes at the same time! The brain power was immense! Most everyone knows Steve, but Keri and Xun made their DB2 community debut on our show! Keri is pretty funny and clearly passionate about DB2 LUW. Xun, pronounced "Shin ", is also a very smart dude with a drier sense of humor. Registrations for this OLTP / pureScale show outnumbered our BLU / Analytics show by about 33%, so does that mean that more people love DB2 LUW for its transactional capabilities over its analytical capabilities? Hmmmm. From our polling questions, we learned that about 25% of the DB2 LUW community is vegetarian and many prefer a balanced diet. Polling questions are fun! Watch the results in the replay to see how you compare to the rest of the DB2 community on several important, and some unimportant, matters. And again, thank you very much to Melanie Stopfer, IBM, who has done an amazing job of "live tweeting " our shows on DB2 LUW V11.1. See her tweets, which include many screen shots of important slides, at @mstopfer1, and make sure you follow her too! Speaking of following, are you also following these Twitter accounts? Other DB2 LUW V11.1 Shows (Replays)
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