Posted on 2/22/2016

DB2's GOT TALENT 2016 ROUND #1! | 3 Contestants Compete for YOUR Votes!Great DB2 LUW and z/OS presentations! Most of our studio audience learned something! We have a new format for our contest this year! Contestants only present ONE time, up to seven minutes, in hopes of earning votes from the DB2 community, their peers, and friends. Voting is achieved by simply LIKING videos on YouTube. We've embedded the videos herein for your convenience, plus we'll share the URLs for direct access. Cheers to your learning! Watch... |
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryThe definition of insanity is to repeat the same thing whilst expecting different results. So, this year we're trying some new things. One of our contestants failed to show up. You can't win if you don't show up, and this year everyone that shows up is a winner! Another of our contestants had some technical difficulty - that's ok, we invited him back to try again on 4 March 2016. It was the compassionate thing to do, because, after all, he is from Iceland and could probably use a little warmth and hospitality from down south. DB2's GOT TALENT 2016 - ParticipateOur call for contestants is STILL OPEN! Only 20 18 8 slots available! Unlike prior years, contestants will only present ONCE! And, every Contestant will earn an honorarium prize ranging from $10 to $75 just for giving a short 7 minute presentation! DB2's GOT TALENT 2016 - ROUND #1We have three contestant videos for you to watch and learn from. They are conveniently embedded below. This year voting is achieved via "Liking " the videos. So, if you like a contestant video, if you like the contestant, or if you learned something from the video, then click the THUMBS UP to like it! Apparently the ability to "LIKE " a video (thumbs up) is only available on YouTube (not via the embedded videos below). Download, and listen to, the complete replay files below to hear the comments made by our judges. The feedback from judges is intended to help our contestants improve their presentations via compliments and constructive criticism. The DB2Night Show is free. The education is free. It has always been free since inception seven years ago. It is estimated that The DB2Night Show has provided over $20,000,000 worth of classroom DB2 education to the DB2 community. That said, yes, you will need to watch short commercial advertisements from our sponsors before the DB2's GOT TALENT Contestant video begins. Contestant VideosNadir: DB2 LUWVote via Direct Link: Judges Scores: 8, 7, and 8. Average = 7.67. 7.67 out of 10 is 77%. 77% of $75 honorarium is $57.75 prize.Sree: DB2 z/OSVote via Direct Link: Judges Scores: 6, 7, and 7. Average = 6.66. 6.66 out of 10 is 67%. 67% of $75 honorarium is $50.25 prize.Rajesh: DB2 LUWVote via Direct Link: Judges Scores: 6, 6, and 6. Average = 6. 6 out of 10 is 60%. 60% of $75 honorarium is $45.00 prize.
A message from our sponsor: DBI SoftwareLet's just cut to the chase. DBAs spend hours and hours trying to figure out which indexes are the most beneficial, which to create, and which, if any, might be harmful. During this show's quick commercial, DBI demonstrated AUTOMATED Advanced Index Benefit Analysis. You can spend hours doing the benefit analysis and calculations by hand, or you can get an accurate index benefit analysis with DBI in under a minute. Ready to save time and tune confidently?Contact DBI Now | Working with DBI is like making money magically appear! Typical customers enjoy 30-60% CPU utilization reductions in the first week, plus measurably faster transaction and query response times. More importantly, your time savings will be substantial! Read our newest SUCCESS STORY with HealthPlan Services, do your due diligence, and speak with as many references as you have time to call. We saved a health care company $250,000 in one afternoon, solved a performance problem in two hours that two senior DBAs were unable to solve in six months, and we have helped top brand name retailers achieve top ranked e-Commerce performance on Black Friday multiple years in a row. 7 of the Top 25 Retailers, plus others, plus top Banks, State Governments, Manufacturers, Insurers, and more rely on DBI. How can we help you? Contact DBI |
Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! Get the Download ReplaysWMV Format - approximately 55MBTo download a recorded replay of Episode #171 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #171, 19 February 2016, DB2's GOT TALENT Round #1 MP4 Format - standard resolution - 105MBHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! Did you learn something from this show?Share a great show with your friends and followers!