Posted on 12/18/2015
 | Special Guests: Mike Winer, David Kalmuk, Matt Huras, John Hornibrook, Adam Storm, Melanie Stopfer, Iqbal Goralwalla, Ian Bjorhovde, Michael Tiefenbacher, Mohan Saraswatipura, Ember Crooks, Cristian Molaro, Klaas Brant, Martin Hubel, David Simpson, and Scott HayesEggnog Party! Celebrating 2015 with 2016 Insights!95% of our audience learned something! 5% attended for the eggnog, fun, and insights! We sang, we danced, and we learned what was great about DB2 in 2015 and what people are looking forward to in 2016! Scott got a little crazy with twinkling DB2 Experts. Watch or listen, and learn... |
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryA couple of our guests were unable to attend, but that's ok - we put words into their mouths for them! And, some of our guests had a lot of cool and interesting things to say. I learned a few things too, as did 95% of our studio audience! Melanie Stopfer joined us during her vacation - that's commitment to the DB2 community! Listen to what she and other IBM guests say, for there's a very good chance you're going to learn something you didn't know! Ho ho ho - our post-show survey!Silly us. We asked what people were looking forward to in 2015. Yeah, that probably should've been 2016, but most respondents figured this out anyways! We also asked what the "secret prize word " was - ha ha - there wasn't one this year! Last year we gave out prizes to everyone in our audience that knew the secret word. This year DBI spent all our marketing money at the DBI/Triton reception at IDUG Dublin. :icon_lol: :icon_rolleyes: :icon_wink: :icon_biggrin: Like learning about IBM DB2?These events might interest you!
A message from our sponsor: DBI Software3 Years in a Row! Database Trends and Applications (DBTA) names DBI pureFeat Performance Management Suite for IBM DB2 a Top 100 Trend Setting Product!
 During today's short commercial break, the DBI team did a little Jib-Jab holiday dance to celebrate all of our new family members. To customers old and new, thank you for the trust you place in us, and may your holidays be merry and bright! Typical DBI customers enjoy 30-60% CPU utilization reductions in the first week, plus measurably faster transaction and query response times. More importantly, your time savings will be substantial! Read our newest Customer Success Stories! We saved a health care company $250,000 in one afternoon, solved a performance problem in two hours that two senior DBAs were unable to solve in six months, and we have helped top brand name retailers achieve top ranked e-Commerce performance on Black Friday multiple years in a row. 8 of the Top 25 Retailers, plus others, plus top Banks, State Governments, Manufacturers, Insurers, and more rely on DBI. How can we help you? Contact DBI
Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! Get the Download ReplaysWMV Format - approximately 55MBTo download a recorded replay of Episode #167 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #167, 18 December 2015, Annual Eggnog Party featuring DB2 Experts Panel! MP4 Format - standard resolution - 120MBHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! Did you learn something from this show?Share a great show with your friends and followers!