Posted on 5/1/2015
 | Special Guest: George Baklarz, IBMDB2 V10.5 FP5 New Encryption WMV, MP4, & PDF Available!100% of our audience learned something! By George, IBM got Encryption Right! Beginning in DB2 LUW 10.5.5, full instance, database, and related objects and files can be easily encrypted. 89% of our studio audience indicated that "We should give due consideration to using it! " when asked "After George's presentation, what do you think about using the DB2 encryption feature? " Watch and learn... |
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryYou just have to love George. He's such an easy going, fun, straight shooter. It is no wonder he has over 4,000,000 frequent flier miles banked on his favorite airlines because he has a real gift for explaining technical topics in easy to understand ways. 100% of our audience learned something. I did, and I'm sure you will too! And, let me add this: now that I'm an identity theft victim, I hope you and your organization will give earnest consideration to encryption and database security! You could be next! Think About ThisLarry Ellison resigned shortly after IBM released DB2 BLU V10.5 Cancun. Hmmm. Makes you wonder.In other news, the State of Oregon is suing Oracle over a failed Obamacare website. That's a darn shame because others in the health care industry are enjoying great success with IBM DB2. Choose wisely.
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