Posted on 3/14/2014
 | Top 9 Finalists Compete for YOUR votes!It's Day 6 of the DB2 Olympics!100% of our audience learned something! The DB2's GOT TALENT March Finalist shows are amazing! You can learn from and enjoy great presentations by rising stars in our DB2 community! Watch this replay, learn good advice from your peers, then VOTE for your chance to win a $25 gift card! |
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryNo technical difficulties today! Audio was good for everyone, my laptop didn't overheat and crash, and GoToWebinar successfully transcoded the WMV replay to native windows format! YAY! On top of this, today's presentations were awesome! When 100% of our live studio audience learns something, you know there is some great content! I deeply appreciate everyone's participation and willingness to share tidbits of their knowledge with our DB2 community! Due to travel and client obligations, judge Martin Hubel was unable to participate today. Thank you @cristianmolaro for substituting for Martin. Cristian is an IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant and Information Management Champion, an IDUG CPC volunteer, and the author of several IBM Redbooks. @ember_crooks continues to do an AWESOME job of blogging about DB2's GOT TALENT 2014 at and I'm thankful for all of the details she is providing! DB2's GOT TALENT 2014 Top 9 Finalists and their TopicsHere's a quick list covering what you can learn about from today's show. Unfortunately, Rob had to drop out due to a family matter. It's the end of the road for Swapna and Sreeharsha as well - they didn't get enough votes to be in our Top 6 and our judges did not "save " them for our March 21st show. Therefore, you will be voting for 7 finalists today.- Swapna, DB2 LUW Table Partitioning for Performance
- Ian, Querying your Database History Doesn't Have to Suck!
- Sreeharsha, DB2 z/OS Multi Row Fetch Cursors
- Raja, Absolute Control with DB2 LUW WLM (Workload Manager)
- Ken, DB2 LUW - Getting RID of your data: (The fastest) Delete methods
- Mariana, DB2 LUW - Continuous Data Ingest (for improved concurrency and performance)
- Michael, DB2 LUW - Performance Through Index Read Efficiency
- Prasad, DB2 LUW - Performance Trends in DB2 10.1 (emphasis on Index Jump Scans)
- Saurabh, DB2 LUW - DB2 pureScale - Next Step in DB2 Performance
When voting for your favorites, please consider the technical value and professionalism of the presentations. Also consider comments from our esteemed judges. Not only are we sharing great DB2 advice via this contest, but we are also nurturing future great presenters and leaders within our DB2 community! You must vote for at least two finalists, but you can, and should, vote for more if you would like to see these professionals advance through the contest! IMPORTANT NEWS: IDUG DISCOUNT CODE!DBI Software and The DB2Night Show are proud to announce a special discount code that you can use to get 10% off your IDUG NA Phoenix registration: DB2GotTalent14. This code saves you $200 and matches the price for organizations sending three or more people! So, you can use EARLYNA and save $150 (ends 14 March 2014) or use "DB2GotTalent14 " and save $200 (IDUG has set a limit of only 50 uses of this code so don't delay). Any questions? :icon_biggrin: Survey and VotingDue to GoToWebinar® limitations for repeating webinars, we need to offer our post-show audience survey and finalist voting via Survey Monkey. We welcome both our live studio audience and replay viewers to complete this survey to vote and for a chance to win our $25 gift certificate drawing. For convenience, the survey is embedded below, at the bottom of this replay blog. After you complete the survey, it will close automatically. Only one entry per computer is allowed. Congratulations!Suzanne Sellers at Suntrust voted for our finalists after our 7th March 2014 show! Judge Cristian Molaro randomly picked voter #255 and you've won a $25 gift certificate! We'll get this sent out within the next few weeks! THANK YOU FOR VOTING!!!
A message from our sponsor: DBI SoftwareOn Friday 28 March at 1pm CDT, DBI Software presents "How to Tune DB2 LUW in a Minute! " Visit our EVENTS page for more details and registration.Our #1 Job is helping you look great! Our #2 Job is giving you the documentation to prove it!Contact DBI and find out how our DB2 LUW Performance Solutions can truly help you optimize performance and lower IT costs.
Join The DB2Night Show™ LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show™ has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! Get the Download ReplaysWMV Format - approximately 79MBTo download a recorded replay of Episode #129 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #129, 14 March 2014, DB2's GOT TALENT Finalists Compete #2! If you have trouble playing this WMV on your computer, please try the MP4 video below instead. MP4 Format - standard resolution - 138MBHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! Did you learn something from this show?See that "Mail this " link below? Click it and do a friend a favor - share this blog post and show with one of your friends or peers. THANKS! :icon_biggrin: Share a great show with your friends and followers:
Complete the Show Survey and VOTE for your favorite Finalists!Our surviving Top 7 Finalists need YOUR votes to advance through the finals rounds! You must vote for two or more finalists. Refer to the presentation summary above to help your memory.If you don't see a survey below, then SurveyMonkey has determined that your computer has already voted. Remember to complete all questions accordingly. Name, Country, Email, and Phone are required contact information to mitigate risk of voting irregularities. If you win the $25 drawing, we may call you to verify your email address. Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool. |