Posted on 1/25/2014
 HOT ideas for saving system resources! | Special Guest: Lee Goddard, Chief Performance Architect, DBI Software75 Ways to Save I/O and 25 Ways to Save CPU92% of our studio audience learned something! During this episode of The DB2Night Show™, Lee Goddard shared priceless thoughts and valuable tips on how to reduce system resource consumption! Odds are very high you are going to learn something helpful! Watch and learn... |
A message from our sponsor: DBI SoftwareToday's "DBI Commercial " was very educational, so don't fast forward through it! Previously on The DB2Night Show and at IDUG conferences (Orlando, Melbourne, and Barcelona 2013), Scott Hayes has presented on DB2 10.1 and the new Index Jump Scans. During our commercial, we compared the performance of DB2 V9.7 versus DB2 10.1 FP3 in a high volume OLTP e-commerce environment. A number of SQL statements in the 4,200+ statement workload benefited from Index Jump Scans. Pay attention! You'll see reduced Index Logical Read costs, lower CPU, and some faster response times!Our #1 Job is helping you look great! Our #2 Job is giving you the documentation to prove it!Contact DBI and find out how our DB2 LUW Performance Solutions can truly help you optimize performance and lower IT costs. Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryYou just have to appreciate all of the experience and wisdom that Lee brings to the DB2 LUW community. His years of IBM technical experience are clearly evident in the advice he shares, and his recent customer experiences at DBI are keeping his ideas and knowledge fresh. He and I help DBI customers fight and win performance battles every week. Join The DB2Night Show™ LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show™ has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! Insider InformationHere's another great reason to join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group: SECRET INSIDER INFORMATION. Every once in awhile, we run shows where EVERYONE in our studio audience can be a prize winner! JUST SHOW UP and COLLECT! We only announce these special shows within The DB2Night Show LinkedIn group!Everyone that attended Episode #110 Database Performance Trends and gave us the prize word SLIPPERS won a $10 gift certificate to,, or Starbucks, or we made donations to the American Red Cross or Big Brothers Big Sisters - at the choice of each show attendee! IT PAYS TO LEARN DB2 on The DB2Night Show! DB2's GOT TALENT 2014By far, this is the most fun way to learn about various DB2 topics! Twitter gave us micro-blogging and DB2's GOT TALENT has invented micro-presentations! Our guest contestants will have 4 minutes each to share a tidbit of of DB2 wisdom with us in the hopes of winning our fun contest! To see some of the topics being presented, read The DB2Night Show News Blog! Better yet, please Learn More and Become a Contestant! Congratulations!Congratulations to Bartosz Kruszynski at GTech in Warsaw Poland! You've won a $25 gift card! Thank you for completing the survey after show #122 on BIG DATA - What does it really cost?!?!?! To all of our winners - please be patient on these gift cards. We issue them every four to five or so shows because bulk gift card orders save time. Get the Download ReplaysWMV Format - approximately 85MBTo download a recorded replay of Episode #123 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #123, 24 January 2014, 75 Ways to Save I/O and 25 Ways to Save CPU with Lee Goddard, DBI If you have trouble playing this WMV on your computer, please try the MP4 video below instead. MP4 Format - standard resolution - 107MBHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! Did you learn something from this show?See that "Mail this " link below? Click it and do a friend a favor - share this blog post and show with one of your friends or peers. THANKS! :icon_biggrin: Share a great show with your friends and followers: |