Posted on 3/8/2013
 | Special Guests: Ember, Mohan, Chris, Renu, Sanjay, and Sreeharsha!Top "9 " Finalists Compete!80% of our studio audience learned something! Today's presentations were fantastic! Unfortunately, GoToWebinar® was having problems today and many people, including finalists Eric, Armando, and Mikko, were unable to join today's show. Still, this show contains a buffet of DB2 tips and advice! Watch this replay, learn great advice from your DB2 community peers, then cast your vote for your favorites! |
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryDarn! I imagine that Citrix Corporation has a lot of unhappy customers today! I apologize for the technical difficulties. We've never experienced a widespread problem like this before, and I hope we never will again. First and foremost, our goal with The DB2Night Show is to provide valuable DB2 education to the DB2 community. We'll keep trying! Technical challenges aside, we still had a live studio audience and the majority of our finalists were able to connect. Here's a brief review of our finalists and their topics: - Ember, Tips for finding problem SQL from the Package Cache
- Mohankumar, "How DB2 10.1 changed the Data Warehouse terminology from ETL to ETI "
- Eric, How to Analyze and Improve SQL execution time (with db2batch). Eric was unable to connect to GoToWebinar. CLICK HERE to get a PDF of Eric's presentation.
- Chris, "Counting Calories " Storage Management Procedures and Tables in DB2 to locate, report, and trend table, tablespace, and database growth
- Renu, How I successfully designed, implemented, and monitored IBM InfoSphere Event Publisher
- Mikko, Performance Management with Primary Key Design. Mikko was unable to connect to GoToWebinar. CLICK HERE to get Mikko's presentation (PDF format).
- Armando, Dare to be different, SQL Performance Tuning Part 3 - using utilities. Armando was unable to connect to GoToWebinar. CLICK HERE to get Armando's presentation (PPT format).
- Sanjay, a DB2 for z/OS topic
- Sreeharsha, "Saves me IN and locks you OUT " - helping DBAs get their work done efficiently
For those finalists that were unable to connect today, we've provided links to their presentations above, if available. When casting your votes, please give these finalists earnest consideration.Survey and VotingDue to GoToWebinar® limitations for repeating webinars, we need to offer our post-show audience survey via Survey Monkey. We welcome both our live studio audience and replay viewers to complete this survey to vote and for a chance to win our $25 gift certificate drawing. For convenience, the survey is embedded below, at the bottom of this replay blog. After you complete the survey, it will close automatically. Only one entry per computer is allowed. Also, to minimize the "I'll just vote for my friend effect ", we are now requiring that you must vote for TWO or more finalists. You can still vote for your friend, but be sure to cast a vote for at least one other good presentation! DB2's GOT TALENT Finalists Compete!We searched the worldwide DB2 community and found talented contestants from four continents! Our March Finals will take place on March 1, 8, 15, and 22. Odds are very high everyone will learn something! REGISTER if you haven't already! Episode #103 Survey WinnerCongratulations to Jose Alpedrinha! During today's show, judge Susan Visser chose a random number that corresponded to your completed survey! Thank you for completing the survey for Episode #103 DB2's GOT TALENT Finalists Compete March 1st!.Join The DB2Night Show™ LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show™ has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! A message from our sponsor: DBI SoftwareGrab your popcorn and enjoy DBI's newest video (only 2 minutes 34 seconds) !Can't see our flash video?Watch it on YouTube. Our #1 Job is helping you look great! Our #2 Job is giving you the documentation to prove it!Contact DBI and find out how our DB2 LUW Performance Solutions can truly help you optimize performance and lower IT costs. Get the Download ReplaysWMV FormatTo download a recorded replay of Episode #104 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #104, 8 March 2013, DB2's GOT TALENT Top 9 Finalists Compete! MP4 FormatHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! Did you learn something from this show?See that "Mail this " link below? Click it and do a friend a favor - share this blog post and show with one of your friends or peers. THANKS! :icon_biggrin: Share a great show with your friends and followers: Complete the Show Survey and VOTE - Just 4 QuestionsIf you don't see a survey below, then SurveyMonkey has determined that your computer has already voted or it is after 8am CDT 15 March 2013 (this survey will automatically stop collecting responses). Remember to complete all questions accordingly. Name, Country, Email, and Phone are required contact information to mitigate risk of voting irregularities. If you win the $25 drawing, we may call you to verify your email address.NEW: You must vote for TWO or more finalists! Please consider presentation content, value, and delivery when voting. You can vote for Eric or Armando based on their presentation PDF/PPT. Because of GoToWebinar's failure, we will look at the votes earned for these finalists on 8 March and compare to 1 March votes, and, for 8 March, the finalist will receive their number of votes from either 8 March or 1 March, whichever is higher. Create your free online surveys with SurveyMonkey , the world's leading questionnaire tool. |