Posted on 12/23/2012
 | Special Guests: Berni Schiefer, Ember Crooks, Klaas Brant, Iqbal Goralwalla, Michael Tiefenbacher, Julian Stuhler, Susan Visser, Christian Molaro, Willie Favero, Martin Hubel, Santa Claus, & more!2nd Annual Eggnog Party - Review 2012 and 2013 Forecasts80% of our audience learned something! Two thirds claimed to be "Nice! " and most correctly predicted that the world would not end on 12/21/12. Listen to top DB2 Rock Stars talk about great moments in 2012 and share their views on what lies ahead in 2013! Watch our replay for details... |
Show Host Scott Hayes CommentaryI'd like to wish everyone a very happy holiday season and a successful new year! As for this show, it was just a fun show with top DB2 people sharing highlights of 2012 and offering their hopes for 2013. DB2's GOT TALENT 2013 is still accepting contestant applications at this time! Get involved! Join The DB2Night Show™ LinkedIn GroupThe DB2Night Show™ has a LinkedIn Group. The "closed " group is open to any LinkedIn member. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates includingfuture shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group! The Corporate Sponsor of The DB2Night Show: DBI Software$10,000 Reward! During today's show, DBI announced that it has upped the bounty from $300 to $10,000 to find a DB2 LUW database that we cannot help significantly and measurably tune. We've been searching for over five years and haven't found a database yet. Learn about DBI's unique Proof of Concept Process and get the details on this $10,000 reward - payable to the charity of your organization's choice. Did you know? 25% of the Top 20 US Retailers are DBI Customers. Due to confidentiality requirements, we can't tell you who they are. But, we can tell you that WAL-MART isn't a customer, yet. After they call us and become a customer, they should be able to offer even lower prices. There's a contact link below, or give us a call at +1-512-249-2324 x150. :icon_biggrin: DBI is Your Trusted Partner for Breakthrough DB2 Performance Solutions that Deliver Invaluable Results for Organizations having the most Demanding Requirements and Discriminating PreferencesOur #1 Job is helping you look great! Our #2 Job is giving you the documentation to prove it! Contact DBI and find out how our DB2 LUW Performance Solutions can truly help you optimize performance and lower IT costs. Get the Download ReplaysWMV FormatTo download a recorded replay of Episode #95 in WMV format, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... " Episode #96, 20 December 2012, Eggnog Party with DB2 LUW and z/OS Rock Star Guests! MP4 FormatHave an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format! M4A Audio Only FormatJust want the audio track from this show? Get an M4A audio file: CLICK HERE! Did you enjoy or learn something from this show?See that "Mail this " link below? Click it and do a friend a favor - share this blog post and show with one of your friends or peers. THANKS!Share a great show with your friends and followers: |