Posted on 2/19/2011
Updated 2011-02-16: With much anticipation, The DB2'S GOT TALENT Contest continues Friday, 18 February 2011, at 10am Central. Contestants have submitted a variety of topics which should make this a very interesting learning opportunity for everyone. We are still looking for contestants, and we certainly hope to see you in the studio audience. This update covers the current schedule...
DB2's GOT TALENT Links25 February 2011 Contestant Topic Line Up- Momi, z/OS, Managing REORGS
- David, z/OS, High Performance Application Reusability Techniques
- Vivek, z/OS, DB2 DAS (Database Administration Server) Setup and Configuration, Test Administration
- Sayan, z/OS, Proactive Preventative measures for Space Management
- Indumathy, z/OS, BSDS (Bootstrap dataset) corruption in one of the member in a 2-way data sharing group in DB2 for z/OS
- Haris, z/OS, DDF Communication Set-up between DB2 on z/OS Data sharing Groups
- Shashank, LUW, Save time, cut costs and work smarter - Monitor mission critical DB2 LUW processes
- Bob, LUW, SQL Tuning "Trick ", 20+ mins down to 5 Secs!
- Just One Slot - Open!