The Db2Night Show™ Sponsored by DBI Software

Educate | Inform | Entertain

The Db2Night Show has the simple mission of building a fun, interactive community around Db2. Each episode will include fun stuff, information, tips, and special guests who are industry experts.
SEASON #14 : FOURTEEN YEARS of FREE Db2 Education!

Unless otherwise noted, all shows start at 11 am Eastern time. Adjust accordingly for Daylight Savings and International locations.

The DB2Night Show #16: Autonomic Memory & STMM Updates, Adam Storm, IBM

Posted on 4/9/2010
In our 16th show, we talked about DB2 LUW Autonomic Memory and the Self Tuning Memory Manager (STMM). Our special guest was Adam Storm, Software Developer, DB2 Kernel Development, from the IBM Toronto Lab. Adam did a great job on updating us about Autonomic Memory and STMM, and he fielded some excellent questions too. Watch and listen...
To download a recorded replay of Episode #16, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... "
Episode 16, 2010 Apr 9, DB2 LUW Autonomic Memory and STMM Updates with guest Adam Storm, IBM Toronto

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The DB2Night Show™ now has a LinkedIn Group. The group is an open group. Join to receive LinkedIn group updates including future shows and replay information, and, if you like, start some discussions about the show! Join The DB2Night Show LinkedIn Group!

Our Shameless Marketing Moment

How can you verify that a change you made improved performance? How can you build trust with the Self Tuning Memory Manager?

In this episode, DBI demonstrated performance trend charts that automatically track and plot changes on trend graphs. Automatically is worth repeating. Tracked changes include before and after values for changes to:

  • DB CFG
  • Registry Variables
  • Bufferpools (Create, Drop, Alter Sizes)
  • Index Changes (Create, Drop, and Changes)
  • STMM Changes
With DBI's trend charts, you can:
  • SEE the IMPACT of Changes
    • CPU utilization
    • System Memory and Paging
    • Response Times
    • SLA Attainments
    • Transaction Costs
    • Throughput Rates
    • ... and many more
  • Grow trust with STMM and visually monitor its effects on your database
  • Make Changes with Confidence
  • Discover Changes that other team members may have made - inside or outside of change control procedures

DBI's comprehensive performance and configuration repository with the industry's best trend graphs enable you to monitor and manage your databases with confidence, improve stability, and achieve scalability with existing hardware. Hint: Use our performance trend charts on your next performance review to earn high praise from management. :icon_wink:

Contact DBI and find out how our DB2 LUW Performance Solutions can truly help you optimize performance and lower IT costs.