The Db2Night Show™ Sponsored by DBI Software

Educate | Inform | Entertain

The Db2Night Show has the simple mission of building a fun, interactive community around Db2. Each episode will include fun stuff, information, tips, and special guests who are industry experts.
SEASON #14 : FOURTEEN YEARS of FREE Db2 Education!

Unless otherwise noted, all shows start at 11 am Eastern time. Adjust accordingly for Daylight Savings and International locations.

The DB2Night Show Episode #10: \"DEAR IBM...\"

Posted on 1/30/2010
In our tenth episode, we kicked of the year 2010 by inviting senior IBM executives Sal Vella and Tim Vincent to our show. DB2 LUW users from around the globe submitted letters of praise for DB2 and several enhancement requests. Watch this show and learn about enhancement requests that could become future DB2 LUW product features...

To download a recorded replay of Episode #10, right click on the link below and choose "Save As... "
Episode 10, 2010 Jan 8, DEAR IBM Executives - Q&A Panel with Sal Vella and Tim Vincent (50MB)

Thanks for watching!

A Shameless Marketing Moment

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Your host,
Scott Hayes