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The DB2Night Show Episode #258: Db2 Database Upgrade in pureScale

Presented by: Mohan Saraswatipura
IBM Gold Consultant and Author

"The DB2Night Show Episode #258: Db2 Database Upgrade in pureScale"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Upgrading a complex Db2 pureScale environment involves careful planning and execution to ensure minimal disruption and the successful application of updates. Mohan and Kent provided detailed step by step instructions to upgrade a Db2 pureScale cluster. Watch the replay...

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by martin in General

The DB2Night Show #257: All About IDUG 2024

Presented by: Chris Muncan
IDUG CPC Chair, NA 2024

"The DB2Night Show #257: All About IDUG"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Chris Muncan and Ian Bjorhovde presented IDUG (International Db2 Users Group) conference format and logistics for 2024. Watch the replay...

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by martin in General

The DB2Night Show #256: Machine Learning Optimizer Feature in Db2

Presented by: Calisto Zuzarte
STSM, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #256: Machine Learning Optimizer Feature in Db2"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Calisto presented the capabilities of the machine learning optimizer. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

DB2Night Show #Z138: Db2 User Experience Transformation Strategy

Presented by Sowmya Kameswaran, Technical Lead, IBM SVL

"The DB2Night Show #Z138: Db2 User Experience Transformation Strategy"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Somwya Gave a follow-on to past app dev presentations. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

Db2Night Show #Z137: Db2 Java Performance Best Practices Version X

Presented by: Dave Beulke, IBM Gold Consultant and Lifetime IBM Champion

"The Db2Night Show Z137: Java Performance Best Practices Version X"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Dave provided how to achieve blazing-fast Db2 and Java performance with these proven best practices. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #255: Db2 Always-On Architecture

Presented by: Dale McInnis
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #255: Db2 Always-On Architecture"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Dale presented various high availability options and scenarios. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #254: Db2 UDFs: Beyond the Basics

Presented by Philip Nelson, Lloyds Bank/ ScotDB

"The DB2Night Show #254: Db2 UDFs: Beyond the Basics"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Phil gave a detailed presentation going beyond creating simple UDFs to look at more complex use cases and capabilities. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

DB2Night Show #Z135: Use Profiles for Db2 Application Co

Presented by: Maryela Weihrauch, Distinguished Engineer, IBM SVL

"The DB2Night Show Z135: Use Profiles to Monitor and Control Db2 Application Context"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Maryela presented Db2 13 features for controlling application context. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #253: Explain Essentials for Query Optimization

Presented by: John Hornibrook
STSM, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #253: Explain Essentials for Query Optimization"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!John presented the various types of Db2 explain functions and their various uses. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Episode #Z134: An Audit a day keeps the lawyers at bay!

Presented by: Roy Boxwell
Sr. DB2 Product Specialist
Segus / Software Engineering

An Audit a day keeps the lawyers at bay!

100% in our audience learned something! Roy presented the importance and considerations for auditing within Db2. Watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #252: SQL in Action: SQL Traps and Solutions

Presented by: Michael Tiefenbacher
IBM Champion, IBM Gold Consultant, Principal Consultant, MIP GmbH

SQL in Action: SQL Traps and Solutions

100% in our audience learned something! Michael discussed important considerations for writing SQL. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Episode #Z133: A Row's Life

Presented by: Marcus Davage
Senior Product DeveloperDBA
BMC Software

A Row's Life

100% in our audience learned something! Marcus presented the internal representation of Db2 table rows throughout their life. Watch to learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #251: What's New in Db2 V11.5.8

Presented by: Keri Romanufa
Chief Db2 Architect, IBM Toronto Lab

"The Db2Night Show 251: Db2 V11.5.8 Overview"
Replays available on Youtube and in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Keri presented a Db2 V11.5.8 Overview. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Episode #Z132:Temporary Tables in DB2 SQL

Presented by: Brian Laube

Temporary Tables in DB2 SQL

100% in our audience learned something! Brian presented how uses of temporary tables in Db2 and described the difference between created and declared. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in Cross Platform

The DB2Night Show #250: A Db2 Security Primer

Presented by: Greg Stager
Developer, IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #250: A Db2 Security Primer"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Greg presented a thorough introduction to using TLS with Db2 LUW 11.5. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Episode #Z131:Transforming Db2 for z/OS AppDev Experience

Presented by: Katherine Soohoo
Technical Lead Developer

Transforming the Db2 for z/OS AppDev Experience

100% in our audience learned something! Katherine presented how the application development landscape has changed. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show#249:Db2 Warehouse Reference Architectures for X86 & Power

Presented by: Les King & John Bell
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #249: Db2 Warehouse Reference Architectures for X86 & Power"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats, and on Youtube!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Les and John Bell gave a great presentation on reference architectures and what they mean to the Db2 community. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Episode #Z130: Db2 13 for z/OS Technical Overview

Presented by: Robert Catterall
Principal Db2 for z/OS Technical Specialist

Db2 13 for z/OS Technical Overview

100% in our audience learned something! Robert presented the features of Db2 13. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #248: Db2 pureScale on AWS - The New Experience

Presented by: Alan Lee
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #248: Db2 pureScale on AWS - The New Experience"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats, and on Youtube!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Alan gave a great presentation on Db2 pureScale on AWS. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show Episode #Z129: UTS - Past, Present & Future

Presented by: Roy Boxwell
Sr. DB2 Product Specialist
Segus / Software Engineering

UTS - Past, Present & Future

100% in our audience learned something! Roy presented a brief history of tablespaces and continued forward to provide current recommendations. To learn what's new, watch, learn and enjoy...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #247: Db2 Click-2-Containerize

Presented by: George Baklarz
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #247: Db2 Click-2-Containerize"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats, and on Youtube!

100% of our studio audience learned something!George gave a great presentation on V2 of this important feature. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #z128:Db2 V13 Availability, Efficiency, Stability

Presented by IBM: Frances Villafuerte

"The DB2Night Show #z128: Db2 V13 Availability, Efficiency, Stability"
Replays available in WMV, MP4 and youtube formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Frances described key improvements in Db2 13. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #246: Db2 Advanced Log Space Management - Unleashed

Presented by: Michael Roecken
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #246: Db2 Advanced Log Space Management - Unleashed"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Michael gave an important update to the latest log improvements in Db2 11.5.6. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #z127: Db2 V13 Migration Planning

Presented by IBM: Anthony Ciabattoni & John Lyle

"The DB2Night Show #z127: Db2 V13 Migration Planning"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Anthony & John described planning and considerations for migrating to the recently announced Db2 V13! Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #245: Db2U Current Capabilities and Future Direction

Presented by IBM: Aruna De Silva & Janpreet Singh Chandhok

"The DB2Night Show #245: Db2U Current Capabilities and Future Direction"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Aruna & Janpreet described the capabilities and intended direction for Db2U and containerization. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

DB2Night Show #Z126: Tuning SQL that Still Works V2

Presented by: Sheryl Larsen
Senior Db2 Z Consultant, Accenture Federal Services

"The DB2Night Show #Z126: Tuning SQL that Still Works V2"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Sheryl discussed SQL tuning techniques that are still quite relevant. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #244: Db2 AIX to X86 Linux Migration

Presented by: Dale McInnis
IBM Toronto Lab

"The DB2Night Show #244: Db2 AIX to X86 Linux Migration"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Dale covered the steps and options available for moving from AIX to Linux platforms. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

Db2Night Show #Z125: Things About Db2 I wish I'd Remember When...

Presented by: Michael Cotignola
BMC Software

"The Db2Night Show #Z125: Things About Db2 I wish I'd Remember When"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Michael presented some highly useful but lesser known tips for DBAs. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS

The DB2Night Show #243: Techniques for Optimal DB Performance Part 2

Presented by Jim Bean, Performance & Forensics, Cigna

"The DB2Night Show #243: Techniques for Optimal DB Performance Part 1"
Replays available in WMV and MP4 formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!In Part 2, Jim continues with part 2 of a detailed presentation on his Db2 LUW performance experience. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 LUW

Db2Night Show #Z124: Db2 for z/OS Utilities Update

Presented by: Haakon Roberts
DE & z CTO Data & AI, IBM SVL

"The Db2Night Show #Z124: Db2 for z/OS Utilities Update"
Replays available in WMV and M4V formats!

100% of our studio audience learned something!Haakon gave a presentation with the latest V12 utilities updates. Watch the replay...

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by martin in DB2 z/OS
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