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The DB2Night Show #33: 2nd Annual SQL Snapshot Potluck Party

Useful SQL Snapshots and Catalog Queries

Learn how DBAs in Croatia, France, and USA use SQL Snaps

In episode #33, Scott Hayes hosted The DB2Night Show's 2nd Annual SQL Snapshot Potluck Party. Members of the DB2 LUW community were invited to share their favorite SQL Snapshot commands that help them do their jobs well. Contributors will be receiving electronic copies of all SQL Snapshot commands submitted. Watch this episode and learn how your DB2 LUW peers:

  • "find log hogs and PIDs"
  • "monitor space utilization"
  • "learn intimate details about tables"
  • "monitor and resolve locks"
  • "avoid running reorgchk"
  • "find indexes that are harmful to ETL performance, cause lock problems, and burn up excessive CPU"
Also be sure to check out future scheduled episodes at!

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by Scott in DB2 LUW
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