title="Melanie Stopfer on LinkedIn"> | Special Guest: Melanie Stopfer, DB2 Brain Surgeon, IBM Software Group
Upgrading to IBM DB2 LUW V10.5 Best Practices and tips!
title="Melanie Stopfer on LinkedIn"> | Special Guest: Melanie Stopfer, DB2 Brain Surgeon, IBM Software Group
Upgrading to IBM DB2 LUW V10.5 Best Practices and tips!
Everyone in the DB2 for LUW community knows, or should know, Melanie Stopfer. I took DB2 Common Server classes from her back in 1992, then DB2 UDB (V5) upgrade classes, then DB2 LUW classes at every IBM and IDUG conference. Melanie has a warm, wonderful, and impactful way of teaching, and I think it'd be fair to say that SHE is one of the top three IBM people in the world that have most impacted DB2 LUW's success. She loves chocolate chip cookies too!
Here's just a few things you are going to learn about: Upgrade Roadmap, SC27-5513-00, upgrade database, db2iupdt, db2cfexp, db2cfimp, upgrade servers before clients, db2licm, HADR, many deprecated and discontinued commands - mostly in the realm of monitoring, db2batch, db2exfmt, db2iupgrade, how to upgrade your Explain tables (db2exmig), db2prereqcheck command, db2setup is now the preferred installation command, db2ckupgrade, db2val, db2pd - new options, db2swtch, db2ls, db2fs, disk space requirements for SYSCATSPACE and TEMPSPACE1, -REBINDALL, bind files, runstats changes, reorg changes, upgrading event monitor tables, db2convert, page_age_trgt_mcr and page_age_trgt_gcr, BUFFPAGE and SOFTMAX deprecated, db2cat, db2support, installFixPack, changes to LOAD and statistics collection, my favorite "db2 REORG TABLE T1 INPLACE CLEANUP OVERFLOWS", my other favorite feature - indexes on expressions, such as "CREATE INDEX EMP_UPPERNAME ON EMPLOYEE (UPPER(NAME), ID)", AND MUCH MORE!
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Episode #138, 5 September 2014,
Upgrading to DB2 V10.5 Best Practices with guest Melanie Stopfer!
Have an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the MP4 ( M4V ) format!
We can't do this with all of our guests, but Melanie has given permission for us to make a PDF handout of her presentation available. Don't skip the replays! GET THE PDF!
Share a great show with your friends and followers! Let's get this tweeted and retweeted like crazy to celebrate Paul's contributions to the DB2 LUW community!