Our Top 3 Finalists that received the most votes were "safe". Thiru and Mary were amongst the bottom 2 in votes received, and, after seeing their presentations, our judges decided to "save" Thiru. To Mary, thank you for sharing your DB2 knowledge with the DB2 community. Your presentations were absolutely delightful and very informative.
Today's 25 March Finals Round 4 will determine our contest winners. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be announced during our 8 April 2011 ALL ABOUT IDUG show. Make sure you REGISTER and attend - there's a rumor going around that possibly EVERY attendee will win something!
Have an iLife, iDevice, iPod, iPad, or iPhone? Right click and download the M4V ( MP4 ) format!
We will randomly select a voter to win a $25 Amazon.com electronic gift certificate. Limit one vote per computer. The polls close at 3pm Central on 7 April 2011. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners will be determined by YOUR VOTES!
Thank you to all of our finalists! We appreciate your willingness to share your DB2 knowledge with the DB2 community. Be sure to spread the word about this replay, The DB2Night Show, and make sure your friends and business contacts vote!
During today's quick commercial break, DBI demonstrated Brother-Panther® and showed how easy it is to obtain historical performance trend charts. JB discussed Concurrent I/O, and DBI showed how tablespace I/O times can be graphed over time to verify and validate performance benefit or degradation from using Concurrent I/O. Brother-Panther has the ability to graph database trends, partition trends, bufferpool trends, tablespace trends, table trends, and even trends for individual unique SQL statements!
Have you read these DB2 LUW Performance blogs? You should!
Please look for
DBI's new ad in IBM Data Management Magazine. Our ad is on the inside back cover. Look for instructions on how you can get a new white paper "IBM DB2 LUW Critical Performance Measurements" which provides SQL commands and actionable tuning advice!
Contact DBI and find out how our DB2 LUW Performance Solutions can truly help you optimize performance and lower IT costs.