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The DB2Night Show #187: FREE Resources to help you succeed with DB2 LUW V11

George Baklarz, Program Director, IBM

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Special Guest: George Baklarz, Program Director, IBM Canada

New & Updated FREE Resources to help you succeed with DB2 LUW V11.1

Again, 100% of our audience learned something! When you listen to our replay, take note of the millions of miles that George has flown around the world. While he's on the airplanes, he writes books and develops really cool tools to help learn about DB2. During this show, you'll learn about his new V11 e-book and updated tools: "DB2 Demo", "DB2 Compression Estimator", and "pureScale Simulator." Links to these resources are provided. Bonus: Learn about DB2 V11's unofficial support of JSON and please take our one question poll. Enjoy...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW
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