To download a recorded replay of Episode #11, right click on the link below and choose "Save As..."
Episode 11, 2010 Jan 29, DB2 9.7 Optimizer Updates with John Hornibrook (54MB)
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A Shameless Marketing Moment
During this episode, DBI's short two minute sponsorship commercial included a brief live demonstration of DBI's performance analysis, tuning, and trending tools for DB2 LUW. Here's what we did:
- Click 1: Database Triage - identify the database having the worst performance problems
- Click 2: Response Time analysis showed us that the database was CPU bound
- Click 3: We isolated the SQL statements that were causing the database to be CPU bound
- Click 4: We Explained the SQL statement having the highest aggregate CPU cost and determined that a high quality index was needed
- Click 5: We passed the high CPU cost statement to the IBM Design Advisor and received validation - a second opinion if you will - that the index we thought was needed was indeed needed, and that the proposed index would provide a tremendous CPU cost reduction.
While you're here and waiting for your download to complete, why not spend a minute checking out DBI's performance management tools for IBM DB2 LUW? Visit our Products page to get started!
A typical DBI customer reduces CPU utilization by 30-90% and improves response times within just a few hours of DBI tools installation! DBI helps worldwide customers achieve remarkable breakthrough results overnight with a ripple effect of measurable bottom line benefits and rapid ROI.
Your host,
Scott Hayes