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The DB2Night Show #191: DB2 LUW V11 Certification Training - Part 2

Mohan and Kent
Follow @mohankumarsp
Follow @rcollins963

Special Guests: Mohan Saraswatipura and Kent Collins, Authors

DB2 LUW V11 Certification Training - Part 2

100% of our audience learned something! If you want to earn DB2 LUW V11 IBM Certifications, there are no better teachers than the professionals that are writing the exams and Certification Study Guides! Watch this replay and learn about DB2 LUW V11, BLU, DPF/MPP, pureScale, and more! Sample Certification Questions are provided too!

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #190: DB2 LUW V11 Certification Training - Part 1

Mohan and Kent
Follow @mohankumarsp
Follow @rcollins963

Special Guests: Mohan Saraswatipura and Kent Collins, Authors

DB2 LUW V11 Certification Training - Part 1

100% of our audience learned something! If you want to earn DB2 LUW V11 IBM Certifications, there are no better teachers than the professionals that are writing the exams and Certification Study Guides! Watch this replay and learn about DB2 LUW V11, BLU, DPF/MPP, pureScale, and more! Sample Certification Questions are provided too!

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #189: DB2 LUW Optimized for SAP - The rest of the story!

Martin Hubel  on LinkedIn

Special Guest: Martin Hubel
IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant

DB2 LUW Optimized for SAP - The Rest of the Story!

76% of our audience learned something! For 24%, it was review and validation they were doing the right things to tune and manage SAP on DB2 LUW! You will learn about registry variables for SAP, dropping and adding indexes, and more best practices. What's more, Martin talks about how to defend your DB2 turf from Hana! Please learn from, and enjoy, the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #188: DB2 LUW Predictive Index Impact Analysis

Scott Hayes, President DBI Software, IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant
@srhayes :: @db2performance

Special Guest: Scott Hayes, DBI Software

Sage DB2 LUW Performance Advice
Predictive Index Impact Analysis -
Know Before you Create!

100% of our audience learned something! Sage Advice Part 3 - Predictive Index Impact Analysis - Know Before you Create - extends the performance tuning journey that began with Parts 1 and 2. Don't worry if you missed Parts 1 and 2 because they are briefly reviewed during this show, plus we have links to prior shows where you can watch the full presentations. Learn how to figure out what to fix or improve, then learn how to get optimized design solutions, and then, in Part 3, you will learn how to gain confidence in your solutions and make your change control people very happy! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #187: FREE Resources to help you succeed with DB2 LUW V11

George Baklarz, Program Director, IBM

Follow @upintheairyyz

Special Guest: George Baklarz, Program Director, IBM Canada

New & Updated FREE Resources to help you succeed with DB2 LUW V11.1

Again, 100% of our audience learned something! When you listen to our replay, take note of the millions of miles that George has flown around the world. While he's on the airplanes, he writes books and develops really cool tools to help learn about DB2. During this show, you'll learn about his new V11 e-book and updated tools: "DB2 Demo", "DB2 Compression Estimator", and "pureScale Simulator." Links to these resources are provided. Bonus: Learn about DB2 V11's unofficial support of JSON and please take our one question poll. Enjoy...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #186: IBM Big Insights 4.2 and Big SQL Drill Down

Les King, Director, IBM

Follow @LesKing00

Special Guest: Les King, Director of Big Things, IBM

BigInsights 4.2 and BigSQL Drill Down!

Again, 100% of our audience learned something!For DB2 Folks, Les King took us on an informative journey into some IBM BigData solutions with a focus on BigSQL. Watch our replay and you'll see how IBM BigInsights BigSQL will allow you to run your favorite SQL against Hadoop. BigSQL is powered by DB2 - The Common Analytics Engine (CAE). Fascinating... Enjoy...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #185: Monitoring IBM BigSQL - Similarities to DB2 LUW

Nailah Bissoon, Performance Architect, IBM BigSQL, IBM Canada

Special Guest: Nailah Bissoon, Performance Architect, IBM BigSQL

Monitoring IBM BigInsights BigSQL
How does it compare to monitoring DB2 LUW?

100% of our audience learned something! Your cheese is moving! Someday, if not already, you may be asked to monitor the performance of IBM BigSQL. As you'll learn in this replay, there are a few differences and many similarities to monitoring DB2 LUW. Nailah provided a fantastic comparison of DB2 LUW and BigSQL, their architectures, how they work, and how to monitor both- complete with examples and useful SQL! Enjoy...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #184: DB2 - The Corner Stone of IBM Analytics

Les King, Director, IBM

Special Guest: Les King, Director of Big Things, IBM

DB2 - The Corner Stone of the
IBM Analytics Platform Strategy

100% of our audience learned something! What is the future of DB2? How will your career change? Has IBM moved your cheese? DB2 engine technology is invading many of IBM's software and cloud offerings. Affectionately called the Common Analytics Engine (CAE), DB2 is spreading like a virus (a good one) into BigInsights, BigSQL, Netezza, dashDB, and more. Via the DB2 CAE, investments that have been made in analytics SQL queries will run seamlessly in many places. To understand how you can grow your career and deliver great business results with IBM DB2 CAE technologies, watch this show and take notes! Enjoy...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #183: DB2 LUW Security from the Data Center to the Cloud!

Roger Sanders, DB2 Security Guru, IBM

Special Guest: Roger Sanders, Author, Teacher, and Security Guru, IBM

DB2 LUW Security:
From the Data Center to the Cloud!

100% of our audience learned something! No surprises there! Famous for his DB2 Certification Books and Classes, everyone learns from Roger! In this presentation, Roger provides our audience with the nuts and bolts and best capabilities for DB2 LUW security. As with any great presentation, it is rich with explanations, examples, and sample commands. If you want to improve DB2 security for your organization, you MUST watch and learn from this replay and the PDF handout! Enjoy...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #182: DB2 LUW V11.1 Upgrade Best Practices and Tips!

Melanie Stopfer, IBM DB2 LUW Brain Surgeon

Special Guest: Melanie Stopfer, IBM DB2 LUW Brain Surgeon

DB2 LUW V11.1 UPGRADE Best Practices
plus TIPS and Hidden Gems!

100% of our audience learned something! No surprises there! Everyone learns from Melanie! For our season #7 grand finale, Melanie gave our audience the complete scoop on upgrading to DB2 LUW V11.1! You will not only learn best practices, but you will also learn some very wise and insightful tips, plus you will learn about some "Hidden Gems" - - the extra "smaller" stuff that isn't making the headlines! And, did you notice? We kicked off Season #7 with Melanie talking about auditing and security, and today Melanie provided our Season #7 Grand Finale! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #181: DB2 LUW Advanced Performance Diagnostics for SQL

David Kalmuk, STSM, IBM Canada

Special Guest: David Kalmuk, STSM, IBM Canada

DB2 LUW Advanced Performance Diagnostics for SQL

100% of our audience learned something! David gave us another great IDUG presentation packed with tips and advice for monitoring and diagnosing performance issues in DB2 LUW. A PDF handout is available so you can copy/paste from his SQL examples! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #180:DB2 LUW DPF/MPP for Single Partition DBAs in 10 Tips

Pavan Kristipati on LinkedIn

Special Guest: Pavan Kristipati, Sr. DBA, Huntington Bank

DB2 LUW DPF/MPP for Single Partition DBAs in 10 Tips!

100% of our audience learned something! During today's show, Pavan shares his excellent IDUG presentation in which he helps DBAs familiar with single partition databases understand how DPF works, how DPF is different, and he gives valuable administration advice! A PDF handout is available so you can copy/paste Pavan's SQL! Watch our replay and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #179: DB2 LUW V11.1 Deep Dive on OLTP and pureScale

Learn more about DB2 LUW V11.1 at   Steve Rees, STSM, IBM Canada
 Keri Romanufa on LinkedIn   Xun Xue, STSM, IBM Canada

What's New in DB2 LUW V11.1: DEEP DIVE on OLTP and pureScale

Steve Rees, STSM
Keri Romanufa, STSM
Xun Xue, STSM
IBM Canada Lab

100% of our audience learned something! As a follow up to our 15 April 2016 show Episode #177 that provided a broad overview of "What's New" in DB2 LUW V11.1, our special guests @db2steve, @xun_ca, and @RomanufaKeri gave us a deep dive that focused on new features and capabilities related to OLTP and pureScale, plus DSMTOP, and more! The enhancements will fascinate and amaze you. Watch and learn!

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #178: DB2 LUW V11.1 Deep Dive on BLU and Analytics

IDUG NA 2016 Austin TX May 23-26 Details
John Hornibrook, STSM, IBM Canada
  David Kalmuk, STSM, IBM Canada

What's New in DB2 LUW V11.1: DEEP DIVE on BLU and Analytics

John Hornibrook, STSM
David Kalmuk, STSM
IBM Canada Lab

100% of our audience learned something! As a follow up to our 15 April 2016 show Episode #177 that provided a broad overview of "What's New" in DB2 LUW V11.1, our special guests @JHornibrookIBM and @DavidKalmuk gave us a deep dive that focused on new features and capabilities related to BLU and Analytics. The speed is mind-boggling. The enhancements will fascinate and amaze you. Watch and learn!

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #177: Sneak Peek Overview of What's New in DB2 LUW V11.1

Learn about IBM DB2 LUW V11.1 Announcement
@ibm_db2 ::: @db2guy

Learn more about IBM DB2 V11.1

What's New in DB2 LUW V11.1 - Overview

Special Guests:
Matt Huras,
Chief Architect DB2 LUW

Berni Schiefer,
IBM Fellow

97% of our audience learned something! A new version of DB2 LUW is born! V11.1 will be generally available mid-June 2016. Almost 75% of our HUGE live studio audience indicated that they were very excited about the new features and capabilities becoming available in V11. V11 includes many enhancements for BLU, Analytics, OLTP, pureScale, security, SQL, and more! Please learn from, and enjoy, the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #175: Block Party! DB2 LUW Bufferpool Tuning Techniques

Martin Hubel  on LinkedIn

Special Guest: Martin Hubel
IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant

DB2 LUW Bufferpool Tuning Techniques!

100% of our audience learned something! His memory is rock solid, his experiences are bountiful, and few people have mastered tuning DB2 LUW Bufferpool Memory like Martin Hubel has! You will learn the importance of block based bufferpools, how to configure them, how to monitor effectiveness, and much more! Please learn from, and enjoy, the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #170: DB2 LUW Data Security 102

Ian Bjorhovde on LinkedIn

Special Guest: Ian Bjorhovde
Principal Consultant at DataProxy LLC

DB2 LUW Data Security 102

90% of our audience learned something! Security isn't sexy, but it is important, especially if you've been a victim of identity theft or endured a data breach. During this show, Ian Bjorhovde "The Master of DB2 Security" shares valuable information and advice on how to achieve a more secure DB2 database environment. Please learn from, and enjoy, the replay...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #169: DB2 LUW WLM (Workload Manager) Monitoring Features

Michael Tiefenbacher on LinkedIn

Special Guest: Michael Tiefenbacher
Manager Business Services & Data Management Specialist at ids-System

Facilitate WLM Functions and Tools to Improve Your DB2 LUW Monitoring

100% of our audience learned something! If you don't have tools, you need to be clever about monitoring DB2 with built-in monitoring capabilities. During this show, Michael does a great job of explaining how DB2 Workload Manager (WLM) features and functions can be used for capturing and analyzing SQL, histograms, and system statistics. Enjoy the replay ...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #168: DB2 LUW Advanced Index Benefit Analysis

Scott Hayes, President DBI Software, IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant
@srhayes :: @db2performance

Special Guest: Scott Hayes, DBI Software

Sage DB2 LUW Performance Advice
Advanced Index Benefit Analysis
BLU Table Convert Row to Column Analysis

100% of our audience learned something! In Sage Advice Part 1 during Episode #142, Scott teaches audiences how to find the biggest problems in DB2 based on weights. In Sage Advice Part 2 during this Episode, Scott teaches audiences how to accurately determine the benefit of each index recommended by IBM program "db2advis". As a bonus, if you are using DB2 10.5, Scott provides a methodology and queries for quickly and easily determining if a Row based table should be converted to BLU Column based. Sage Advice Part 3 "Predictive Index Impact Analysis" will be offered at IDUG conferences in 2016 - hope to see you in AUSTIN Texas at IDUG! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #166: DB2 LUW Tips, Tricks, SQL, & Scripts for Lazy DBAs

Pavan Kristipati on LinkedIn

Special Guest: Pavan Kristipati, Sr. DBA, Huntington Bank

DB2 LUW Tips, Tricks, SQL, and Scripts for Lazy DBAs

96% of our audience learned something! During today's show, Pavan shares his excellent IDUG presentation in which he details many of his tricks and techniques to make his DBA job easier and faster! Several examples are given and you can get his PDF! According to Pavan, these time saving techniques save him 30-60 minutes every day! Watch our replay for details...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #165: DB2 LUW Real World Essentials

Mohan Saraswatipura, Author Kent Collins, Author
Authors of DB2 LUW 10.1/10.5 Certification Study Guide

Special Guests: Mohan Saraswatipura & Kent Collins

Real World DB2 LUW
DBA Essentials!

100% of our audience learned something! Our guests talked about DB2 pureScale efficient page reclaims, understanding connection methods and member subsets, compression techniques with comparisons, and replicated MQT problems and solutions. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #164: 8 High-Impact Performance Tuning Tips for DB2 LUW

Ember Crooks, IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant


Special Guest: Ember Crooks
DB2 Lead DBA & Delivery Manager, Xtivia
IBM DB2 GOLD Consultant

8 High-Impact Performance Tuning Tips
for DB2 LUW OLTP & E-Commerce Databases

97% of our audience learned something! Want to make your OLTP databases run faster? Ember offered eight terrific tips and sage advice for getting maximum performance from your transactional databases! Index Read Efficiency, finding problem SQL, finding index solutions, finding bad indexes and dropping them, pruning data, HADR impacts, when to use STMM and when NOT to use it, using parameter markers or STMT_CONC, and optimal use of Solid State Disk (SSD). Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #163: DB2 LUW BLU Concepts and Best Practices

Matt Huras, IBM DE


Special Guest: Matt Huras
IBM DE, Chief Architect DB2 LUW

Concepts and Best Practices!

100% of our audience learned something! Matt Huras fills session rooms at IDUG conferences, and today our studio audience size was rather large as well. And, it is no wonder - Matt has a gift for explaining complicated technical things and making them understandable. He's an excellent presenter too. As Chief Architect for DB2 LUW, who would know better about how DB2 works!?!? Enjoy our replay! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #162: DB2 LUW pureScale Performance with Steve Rees, IBM

Steve Rees, IBM STSM

Special Guest: Steve Rees, IBM STSM

DB2 LUW pureScale Performance
Config, Monitoring, and Best Practices!

100% of our audience learned something! Steve is one of the top DB2 LUW performance gurus at the IBM Canada Lab, and he gives great presentations too! Today was no exception! Steve covered recommended configurations, how to monitor DB2 pureScale, and offered his sage advice based on his worldly experiences. Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #161: DB2 LUW Security & Auditing with Melanie Stopfer

Melanie Stopfer, IBM DB2 LUW Brain Surgeon

Special Guest: Melanie Stopfer, IBM DB2 LUW Brain Surgeon

Who's Knocking at Your Door?
DB2 LUW Security & Auditing

100% of our audience learned something! No surprises there! Everyone learns from Melanie! For our season #7 kickoff, Melanie gave our audience the complete scoop on DB2 LUW auditing how-to's, best practices, and some gotchas! You'll learn advice on DB2 LUW security too! And, hey, who wants to be in the news for a data breach or the victim of identity theft?!?! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #160: Top 10 DB2 LUW Explain Tips with John Hornibrook

John Hornibrook, STSM, IBM Canada

Special Guest: John Hornibrook, STSM, IBM Canada

Top 10 DB2 LUW Explain Tips

100% of our audience learned something! John Hornibrook is one of the top IBM brains behind DB2's optimizer. In this helpful presentation, John shares some invaluable tips for using and understanding DB2's Explain capabilities. You will learn the best ways to create Explain tables, upgrade them, and empty them, how to see actual cardinality values, how to determine if access plans have changed, and much more! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #159: DB2 LUW 10.5 BLU Monitoring In-Depth

David Kalmuk, STSM, IBM Canada

Special Guest: David Kalmuk, STSM, IBM Canada

IBM DB2 LUW 10.5 BLU Monitoring In-Depth

100% of our audience learned something! DB2 10.5 and its various fixpacks have introduced many new monitoring capabilities. During this show, David taught us what is new and how to use the new information. His presentation is loaded with great SQL examples too! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #158: DB2 LUW HADR ROS Success with Sanjay Trehan

Sanjay Trehan, Sr. DBA

Special Guest: Sanjay Trehan, Sr. DBA

DB2 LUW HADR ROS (Read on Standby) Success Story---
Continuous availability for over 8 years!

98% of our audience learned something! 84% of our live studio audience indicated that they use HADR with 41% indicating they use the ROS capability. In this unique show, our special guest is a real DB2 customer user! Sanjay and his team have a great success story to share! Through his presentation, you will learn about DB2 configuration parameters to optimize HADR performance, Websphere settings, and other best practices to achieve remarkable DB2 LUW availability! Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #157: DB2 LUW 10.5 FP5 New Encryption with George Baklarz

George Baklarz, IBM

Special Guest: George Baklarz, IBM

DB2 V10.5 FP5 New Encryption
WMV, MP4, & PDF Available!

100% of our audience learned something! By George, IBM got Encryption Right! Beginning in DB2 LUW 10.5.5, full instance, database, and related objects and files can be easily encrypted. 89% of our studio audience indicated that "We should give due consideration to using it!" when asked "After George's presentation, what do you think about using the DB2 encryption feature?" Watch and learn...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW

The DB2Night Show #156: Using and Optimizing DataStage and DB2

Michael Tiefenbacher on LinkedIn

Special Guest: Michael Tiefenbacher
Manager Business Services & Data Management Specialist at ids-System

Using and Optimizing DataStage and DB2

100% of our audience learned something! DataStage is a very popular ETL tool that is used with IBM DB2 LUW. Michael offered some very valuable advice on how to maximize performance in DPF and non-DPF environments. Enjoy the replay ...

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by Scott in DB2 LUW
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