Presented by: Piotr Mierzejewski
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Presented by: Piotr Mierzejewski
Presented by: Toby Haynes
Presented by: Dale McInnis
Presented by: Michael Roecken
Presented by: George Baklarz
Presented by: Ember Crooks
Presented by: John Hornibrook
Presented by: Greg Stager
@pavel_sustr |
Special Guest: Pavel Sustr
@kdrodger |
Special Guest: Kelly Rodger, IBM Canada
@IBM_Paul_Bird |
Special Guest: Paul Bird
@klaas_brant |
Special Guest: Klaas Brant
@pavel_sustr |
Special Guest: Pavel Sustr
@mhubel |
Special Guest: Martin Hubel
@klaas_brant |
Special Guest: Klaas Brant
@MKrafick |
Special Guest: Michael Krafick
@LesKing00 |
Special Guest: Les King
Special Guest: Arwel Owen, Enterprise Systems Manager, Princess LTD, UK
Db2 LUW Success Story with SAP on AWS83% of our audience learned something! 17% of our audience were Arwel's co-workers! Arwel completed a VERY successful migration from Oracle to Db2, and then another migration to Db2 V11.1.2.2 SAP on AWS Cloud. The compression, cost savings, and performance results are simply ASTOUNDING! Watch our fun and informative replay for details... |
Follow @rcollins963 |
Special Guests: Kent Collins and Mohan Saraswatipura, Authors
A crash course on Db2 pureScale and Advantages100% of our audience learned something! Kent provided a wealth of excellent information on Db2 pureScale including best practices, database manager configuration settings, database configuration settings, registry variables, HADR considerations, how to size memory, monitoring, workload manager (WLM), and much more! Get the PDF for reference AND watch our replay so that you don't miss Kent's helpful explanations! Continue... |
Follow @rcollins963 |
Special Guests: Mohan Saraswatipura and Kent Collins, Authors
DEEP DIVE on Db2 LUW Locks, Logs, and pureScale100% of our audience learned something! Mohan took us into the bowels of Db2 pureScale locking and logging, complete with sample SQL, monitoring commands, configuration considerations, important stuff you need to know for Db2 V11.1 Certification Testing, and much more! Get the PDF for reference AND watch our replay so that you don't miss Mohan's brilliant explanations! Continue... |
@ember_crooks |
Special Guest: Ember Crooks
Special Guest: Mark Gillis, Triton Consulting
Db2 V11 Performance: BLU Hits and Misses100% of our audience learned something! Based on his popular IDUG Lisbon Db2 technical session, Mark covered an overview of BLU, examples of workload performance in Db2 V10.5, the benefits of Db2 V11 for some workloads, showed examples of BLU savings, and shared a few BLU gotchas. If you're using Db2 BLU, or thinking about it, you must watch this replay! Watch and learn... |
Special Guest: George Baklarz, Program Director, IBM Canada
Awaken your Data with RESTful Access to Db2! OData!100% of our audience learned something! The new IBM Data Server Gateway for OData is a standards-based way for customers to leverage Db2 in modern Cloud and Mobile application development environments without requiring database drivers on the client. This show described what OData is, how it works with RESTful calls, and what you need to get it working in your environment. Enjoy the replay! |
@dalemmcinnis |
Special Guest: Dale McInnis
Follow @IBM_Paul_Bird |
Special Guests: Roger Sanders and Paul Bird, IBM
Db2 Science Projects: IoT Project Pollinator and GWLM Tool100% of our audience learned something! It's a special show when we have two guests! Roger Sanders introduced us to Project Pollinator and showed us his pet Internet of Things (IoT) Db2 project - Fascinating! And Paul Bird introduced us to a rather new "free" Graphical Workload Manager (GWLM) tool that is available to help make administering Db2 workload management easier! Watch the replay, get the details, follow the links, and enjoy the PDFs! |
@ember_crooks |
Special Guest: Ember Crooks
Follow @jrockwood |
Special Guests: Roger Sanders and Jessica Rockwood, IBM
Breaking Db2 (LUW) News from the IBM Canada Lab100% of our audience learned something! Shocker! "DB2 for LUW" is now just "Db2". Mainframe folks will still have to type out "Db2 for z/OS". Some IBM products, or solution offerings, have been renamed. What's new? Well, V11.1.2.2 is new, and there are plenty of goodies and enhancements in it. There's a new DSM release. There are new (free) editions of Db2. A PDF is available for reference, but make sure you download and watch a replay too! So much more is said than what is on the slides, and the questions at the end are excellent. Enjoy... |
@ember_crooks |
Special Guest: Ember Crooks
Follow @rcollins963 |
Special Guests: Mohan Saraswatipura and Kent Collins, Authors
DB2 LUW V11 Certification Training - Part 392% of our audience learned something! If you want to earn DB2 LUW V11 IBM Certifications, there are no better teachers than the professionals that are writing the exams and Certification Study Guides! Watch this replay and learn about DB2 LUW V11, RCAC, Security, Trusted Contexts, utilities, and more! Sample Certification Questions are included in the video replay too! |