I invite and encourage you to attend my Education Seminar, Z06: DB2 for LUW Performance Analysis and Tuning Workshop, at IDUG NA 2010 in Tampa Florida. Without exception, I've never before put so much effort into preparing a full day seminar. In this class, you will receive over three dozen SQL Snapshot commands to help analyze YOUR database. Together, we will learn about what to measure, we will discover the problems and "opportunities for improvement" in your database, we will discuss solutions, and you will return to your office fully equipped to make measurable performance improvements.
In terms of preparation for this class, here's what you will want to do to optimally prepare:
- Make copy tables of SYSIBMADM snapshot views and some catalog tables (CREATE LIKE)
- INSERT INTO copy table SELECT * FROM original table or view
- EXPORT TO IXF file SELECT * FROM copy tables
- Binary transfer the IXF files to a laptop running DB2 LUW (Express-C (free DB2) will suffice)
- IMPORT FROM IXF file REPLACE_CREATE INTO local copy of tables on laptop
This should be a $5,000 course. IDUG is making Ed Seminars available "for a song" relatively speaking - only $425 with a conference badge or just $475 for the seminar alone. Click the IDUG logo above to register now! Early registration ends 26 March 2010.
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