There are new shows scheduled on that you won't want to miss! Check out the show schedule and register! Here are some highlights...
The DB2Night Show™ Schedule
Visit for details, registration links, and replay links!
- 25 APR 10am CDT: Willie's Winging It with Willie Favero, IBM labs. Send your questions for Willie to db2nightshow "at" or tweet "#DB2Night (your question) @wfavero @mhubel @db2nightshow".
- 2 MAY 10am CDT: The DB2 LUW Ingest Utility with Mark Gillis, Triton Consulting
- 9 MAY 10am CDT: Practical DB2 11 for z/OS Performance in a Nutshell with Cristian Molaro
- 16 MAY - No show! Go to IDUG instead! Use discount code DB2GotTalent14 to save $200 off your registration if you haven't registered yet!
- 23 MAY 10am CDT: DB2 DPF Successes: Monitoring and Tuning a hybrid IBM Infosphere Warehouse with guest Pavan Kristipati, Sr. DBA, Huntington Bank
- 6 JUNE 10am CDT: Why Wait!?!? DB2 LUW Locking featuring Paul Turpin, Sr. DBA, BB&T
- 20 JUNE 10am CDT: DB2 in the Cloud - an update with Leon Katsnelson, IBM
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